This is always true when the code is executed with full trust. 当使用完全信任代码执行时,始终满足此条件。
It is now possible to choose another serializer or implement your own, and enhance assemblies that be executed with partial trust. 现在可以选择其他序列化程序或者自己的实现,又或者增强作为不完全可信所执行的程序集。
In the assessment of some of the malicious behaviors, the preventive measures shall be executed by introducing the new permissions system on e-commerce. To prevent the large numbers of trust attacks happened in e-commerce by accumulating of small-sized trust values. 在信任评估过程中加入了一些对恶意行为的防范措施,提出了专用于电子商务的新权限机制,以防范小规模积累信任值后进行大规模欺骗的攻击,VBTMod模型引入奖惩机制。